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第一支蠟燭說:「我是平安! 世界充滿了憤怒和戰爭,沒人值得讓我繼續燃燒。」然後平安的火焰就完全熄滅了。

第二支蠟燭說:「我是信心! 我已不被認為是必須的,沒有理由讓我多燃燒一個時刻。」 就在這時,一陣微風輕輕地吹熄了信心的火焰。

遺憾的是第三支蠟燭開始說:「我是愛! 人們不理解我的重要性,於是把我冷落在一邊;他們甚至忘了去愛那些他們最親近的人。」眨眼間愛的火焰就熄滅了。

突然間…一個孩子走進房間,看見三支熄滅的蠟燭。就說:「你們為什麼不燃燒呢?”你們照理要保持亮著的, 直到燒盡。」 孩子邊說邊哭起來。

然後第四支蠟燭回答說:「別害怕,我是希望! 只要我仍燃燒著, 我們可以重新點燃其他蠟燭。」
孩子的眼睛閃著光芒, 拿起希望的蠟燭,點燃了其他三支蠟燭。

雖然這些當中最偉大是愛…… 但你的生命當中, 絕對要有希望的火焰!我們每個人有了希望, 生命就充滿了愛、平安和信心。

感言: 主說: 「我賜給你們一條新命令,乃是叫你們彼此相愛;我怎樣愛你們,你們也要怎樣相愛。」(約翰 13:34) 。「愛」是高過一切, 但在這篇文章中,「希望」似乎比「愛」更重要。為什麼? 有兩個原因: (1)這篇文章的對象是所有人。人們需要透過「希望」得到「愛」,得以在這混亂的世界生存。(2) 基督徒因神的恩典已從我們的主領受了「希望」。使徒彼得說:「願頌讚歸與我們主耶穌基督的父神、祂曾照自己的大憐憫、藉著耶穌基督從死裡復活,重生了我們,叫我們有活潑的『希望』。」(彼前 1:3) 所以基督徒要發揮愛心。

讓我們禱告:「親愛的神,祢是我們的亮光,拯救。祢是我們的希望。請祢進入我們的心,幫助我們成為祢愛的出口,讓祢的光藉著我們照耀別人。」阿門 !

註: 取材自網站,加上個人的感言和禱告

The Four Candles burned slowly.
Their ambiance was so soft you could hear them speak…
The first candle said, “I am Peace! The world is full of anger and fighting. Nobody can keep me lit.” Then the flame of Peace went out completely.
The second candle said, “I am Faith! I am no longer indispensable. It doesn’t make sense that I stay lit another moment.” Just then a breeze softly blew Faith’s flame.
Sadly the third candle began to speak, “I am Love! People don’t understand my importance so they simply put me aside. They even forgot to love those who are nearest to them.” And waiting no longer Love’s flame went out.
Suddenly… a child entered the room and saw the three unlit candles. “Why aren’t you burning? You are supposed to stay lit until the end.” Saying this, the child began to cry.
Then the fourth candle answered, “Don’t be afraid, I am Hope!” “While I am still burning we can re-light the other candles.”
With shining eyes the child took the candle of Hope and lit the other candles.
The Greatest of These is Love…but the flame of Hope should never go out of your life! With Hope each of us can live with Peace, Faith and Love.

Our Lord says: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34). “Love” is above all. But in this article, “Hope” seems to be more essential than “Love”. Why? There are two reasons: (1) This article is written for all people, who need “Love” through “Hope” to live in this chaos world. (2) For Christians, who have already given “Hope” by our Lord. Apostle Peter says: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3). Therefore Christians have to love others.
Let us pray: “Dear God, You are our light and salvation. You are our hope. Please come into our hearts, and help us to be instruments of Your Love and cause you light to shine on others through us.” Amen!

Note: Story from websites, and add my reflection and prayer.